Foleum S.r.l. is the beneficiary of the facilitation provided for in the Ministerial Decree of October 30, 2019 – “Operational Program for Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014-2020” AXIS VI – Priority Investment 13i – Action 3.1.1., for the implementation of the project “Faber OLEUM: THE ART OF MAKING OIL”.


Foleum S.r.l.’s investment program, amounting to €400,900.00, was aimed at completing the entire olive transformation process (oil production) within its own facility. The company had previously only been involved in two of the various stages of olive to oil production, namely filtration to remove small impurities and bottling. With the investment program presented, in addition to the ability to carry out the entire transformation process using digital and precision technologies, the applicant’s production capacity and export share have also been expanded



Foleum srl è beneficiaria dell’agevolazione di cui al DM 30 Ottobre 2019 - «Programma Operativo nazionale imprese e competitività 2014-2020» ASSE VI - Priorità di investimento 13i - Azione 3.1.1., per la realizzazione del progetto “Faber OLEUM: L'ARTE DI FARE L'OLIO”. Leggi la descrizione dell'attività